Mohanlal Vishwanathan, fondly called by his fans as 'Lalettan' is turning 63 today as the ace actor is celebrating his birthday on 21 May. The veteran, often cited to be one of India's finest actors ever, and is honorarily referred as 'The Complete Actor' had debuted in malayalam film in the year 1978 in Thiranotttam, which was produced by his friend Maniyanpilla Raju along with Priyadarshan and Ravi Kumar.
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With his career spanning over 40 years, and having acted in over 300 movies in various languages such as Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi, there is hardly any untouched territory left for this 'Grandmaster'. Mohanlal's performances in movies such as Chithram, Bharatham, His Highness Abdullah, Kilukkam, Ayal Kadha Ezhuthukayanu, Narasimham, Thanmathra, Company, Keerthi Chakra and the Drishyam franchise to name a few have earned him millions of fan following.
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The Government of India in 2008 had confirmed the honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel for Mohanlal, considering his inspiring depiction of an Army Officer - Major Mahadevan in movies such as Keerthi Chakra and Kurukshetra, both directed by Major Ravi. Mohanlal has also received various State Awards and National Awards for his performances in movies such as Bharatham and Vanaprastham.
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Just as Mohanlal's acting prowess is an undisputed matter in the movies he has associated with, it is also worth mentioning about the quality of songs and his association with M.G.Sreekumar and KJ Yesudas which has often elevated the movie as a whole on a positive note. Movies such as Chithram, His Highness Abdullah, Thalavattom had evergreen malayalam songs which are still afresh in the minds of the viewers. As the actor turns 63 today, we have come up with Mohanlal's Top 5 All Time Greatest Hit Songs.
1. Doore Kizhakkudikkum
Doore Kizhakkudikkum sung by MG Sreekumar and Sujatha from Priyadarshan directorial Chithram is an evergreen malayalam song written by Shibu Chakravarthy. The movie starred Mohanlal, Ranjini, and Sreenivasan in lead roles and is one of the longest running malayalam movie in theatres. All the songs in Chithram including Doore Kizhakkudikkum was an instant success in the market upon the film's release.