Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai Song Details:
Song: Oru Mridhu MozhiyaiSinger: MG Sreekumar
Music: MG Radhakrishnan
Lyrics: Chunakkara Ramankutty
Movie: Poochakkoru Mookkuthi
Cast: Mohanlal, Shankar
Language: Malayalam
Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai Lyrics - Poochakkoru Mookkuthi
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Frequently Asked Questions & Trivia
1. Who is the singer of the song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai from the movie Poochakkoru Mookkuthi?
MG Sreekumar has sung the song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai.
2. Who has composed the music of the Malayalam song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai?
The music of the song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai is composed by MG Radhakrishnan.
3. Who penned the Malayalam song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai lyrics?
The lyrics of this song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai is written by Chunakkara Ramankutty.
4. The song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai is from which Malayalam movie?
The song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai is from the Malayalam movie Poochakkoru Mookkuthi.
5. Which actors/actresses are featured in the song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai?
The song Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai features the Malayalam actors/actresses Mohanlal, Shankar.
- Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai lyrics listed in this site are for promotional purpopses only.
- The Lyrics Space do not provide any free/paid Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai song download.
- Utmost care has been taken while noting the lyrics of the song Oru Mrudhu Mozhiyaay, however, it is still possible that there may be slight change from the original lyrics and the Oru Mridu Mozhiyaai lyrics due to typing error and request you to inform us in the comments section.
- Oru Mridhu Mozhiyai song from Poochakkoru Mookkuthi mp3 is not available in this site and we request you to buy the original audio cd from Online music stores like iTunes, Spotify, JioSaavn, Wynk etc.